【学术报告】曾定方---What's inside black holes --- new perspectives on canonical quantum gravity



时间:4月18日 (周二)上午 10:00



报告题目:What's inside black holes --- new perspectives on canonical quantum gravity  



报告摘要In a recent work, we find general expressions for the inner geometry of collapsing stars with layering inhomogeneities, which tells us that matters inside the horizon of black holes could be probably experiencing periodical motion of contracting and overdoing — expanding to the otherside and maximally — contracting again. At both classical and quantum levels we find evidences that this zero-crossing oscillating motion may happen have exp(A/l_pl^2) possible eigen-ways thus provide a new perspective for the resolution of the Schwarzschild singularity, interpretations for the micro-origin of black hole’s entropy and the information missing puzzle’s resolving. We will report the physic picture of this work in the conference, and make comparisons
between our picture, which follows from canonical quantum gravity and those from string theory and loop quantum gravity. Most importantly, we will discuss the dis/verifications of this picture through gravitational wave observations originating from binary black holes’ merging.
