
Liqin Tang Professor



Email: tanya@nankai.edu.cn

Office Location: #5-206


  • Gender: female
  • Department:
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  • Address: 300071
  • Career:
  • Email: tanya@nankai.edu.cn
  • Office Location: #5-206


▪  Nankai University, China, Ph.D. in Optics (2004-2007); ▪ Nankai University, China, M.S. in Optics (2001-2004 ); ▪ Nankai University, China, B.S. in Applied Optics (1995-1999 ).


▪ Professor; Nankai University, China (2024 - ) ; ▪ Associate professor; Nankai University, China (2017 -2023 ) ; ▪ Lecturer; Nankai University, China, (2008 - 2017 )


Dr. Liqin Tang obtained her B.S. degree (1999), M.S. degree (2004) and Ph.D. degree (2007) of Physics at Nankai University.  Presently, she is working as a Full Professor in School of Physics at Nankai University. She was a visiting researcher at the Muenster University, Germany (2005-2006). She served as organizations at international worshop or domestic conferences. Now She is a member of the Chinese Optical Society, of the Optical Society of America. Dr. Tang’s research activities include nonlinear optics, photonic flat band, topological photonics, beam shaping and optical manipulation. Currently, She has published about 60 peer-reviewed papers published in international journals and 60 papers in international conferences. Citations 1659 , h=21 (according to Google Scholar). She is currently the Guest Editor of Special issues for Photonics. [Flat Bands: Fundamentals and Applications](https://www.mdpi.com/journal/photonics/special_issues/flat_bands

Research Fields

RESEARCH DIRECTIONS:  Microstructure Optics, topological photonics, Nonlinear Optics


1Photonic flat-band lattices and unconventional light localization; 

2. Topological photonic Structures and its applications; 

3. Beam shaping and application


* NSFC Project, Flatband Topology and Controllable Mode Conversion in Fractal-like Photonic Lattices, 2024-2027, Project Leader

* Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin,  Study of singular flatband and topological propertiers in photonic microstructures, 2021-2024, Project Leader

* Major Program of NSFC Project,  Photonic higher-order topological states and their nonlinear manipulation, 2022-2026, Principal technicians

* National Key R&D Program of China,  Control and nonlinear effects of optical field with topological and fractal spatial structures, 2017-2022Principal technicians

Inter-Governmental S&T Cooperation,  Micro-patterned liquid crystalline structures for application in microfluidic devices, 2016-2018, Principal technicians

NSFC Project, Study on Discrete optical vortices in Nonlinear periodic structures, 2014-2016, Principal technicians

973 Project, Light propagation in optically-induced artificial optical structures, 2007-2011, Principal technicians

NSFC Project,  Light dynamics and its applications in optically-induced Quasiperiodic Photonic Lattices, 2010-2012, Project Leader





1. Z. Xiu, B. Dongiovanni, D. Song,  R. Morandotti, H. Buljan, L. Tang*, Z. Chen, Optical pulling force on Janus particls via azimuthally-polarized bessel beams, Opt. Express, 2025 (accepted)


1.  Q. Zhong, Y. Liang, S. Xia, S. Gao, L. Song, F. Hou, L. Tang*, D. Song*, Z. Chen*, Higher-order Topological Corner States in a Specially Distorted Photonic Kagome LatticeLaser Photonics Review, 2301384, (2024)

2. H. Tang, Z. Wang, L. Tang, D. Song, Z. Chen, H. Buljan, Control of non-Hermitian skin effect by staggered synthetic gauge fieldsAPL Photonics 9, 056102 (2024)

3.  Y. Zhang, H. Hao, L. Song, H. Wang, D. Li, D. Bongiovanni, J. Zhan, Z. Xiu, D. Song, L. Tang*, R. Morandotti, Z. Chen*, Nonlinear optical response of heme solutionsOpt. Express 32, 5760 (2024) (Editor's pick)

4.  Y. Xie, W. Yan, S. Xia, Y. Liang, L. Tang, D. Song*, J. Xu, Z. Chen, Realization of Topological Corner States in Tailored Photonic Graphene, ACS Photonics, 22, 772-779 (2024)

5.  S. Xia, S. Lei, D. Song, L. D. Lauro, I. Alamgir, L. Tang, J. Xu, R. Morandotti, H. Buljan, Z. Chen, Deep-learning-empowered synthetic dimension dynamics: morphing of light into topological modesAdv. Photonics, 6(2), 026005 (2024)

6. L. Song, D. Bongiovanni, Z. Hu, Z. Wang, S. Xia, L. Tang, D. Song, R. Morandotti, Z. Chen, Observation of topologically distinct corner states in bearded photonic Kagome lattices, Adv. Opt. Mater. 12(4), 2301614 (2024)



1.   L. Tang* and Z. Chen*, Twisted system makes nanolasers shine together, Nature, 624, 260-261 (2023) N&V article.

2.   L. Song, Y. Xie, L. Tang*, D. Song*, J. -W. Rhim, Z. Chen*, Topologically flatband loop states in fractal-like photonics lattices, Laser Photon. Rev. 17, 2200315 (2023).

3.   Z. Wang, X. Wang, Z. Hu, D. Bongiovanni, D. Jukic, L. Tang, D. Song, R. Morandotti, Z. Chen*, H. Buljan*, Sub-symmetry-protected topological states, Nat. Phys. (2023).

4.   Y. Zhang, S. Xia, X. Zhao, L. Qin, X. Feng, W. Qi, Y. Jiang, H. Lu, D. Song, L. Tang, Z. Zhu, W. Liu, Y. Liu, Symmetry-protected third-order exceptional points in staggered flatband rhombic lattices, Photonic Research, 11, 225 (2023)

5.   Y. Zhang, G. Liang*, L. Tang*, D. Li, J. Zhan, D. Song, T. Kelly, H. Xu, Z. Chen, Tunable optical nonlinearity and self-collimation of light in food dye solution, Opt. Commun. 528, 129010 (2023)

6.   S Gao, L Song, W Yan, Y Wang, S Xia, L Tang, D Song, J Xu, Z Chen, Demonstration of Robust Boundary Modes in Photonic Decorated Honeycomb Lattices, Adv. Opt. Mater. 11, 2202045 (2023)

7.   S Xia, Y Liang, L Tang, D Song, J Xu, Z Chen, Photonic realization of a generic type of graphene edge states exhibiting topological flat band,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 131, 013804, (2023)

8    S Lei, S Xia, J Wang, X Liu, L Tang, D Song, J Xu, H. BuljanZ. ChenMapping and manipulation of topological singularities: from photonic graphene to T-graphene, ACS Photonics, (2023)

9.  Y. Wang, W. Wei, Z. Dong, L. Ding, L. Tang, W. Fan, Y. Li, Design and optimization of GI-PCF supporting the orbital angular momentum modes based on negative curvature structure, Opt. Express, 31, 12059 (2023)

10.  W. Wei, H. Zhao, Y. Wang, Z. Dong, L. Tang, L. Ding, Y. Li, The multiplexing of six vortex modes in a multicore photonic quasi-crystal fiber, IEEE Photonics Jounal 15, 1-6(2023).

11.  J. Zhan, D. Li, D. Bongiovanni, Y. Xiang, S. Chen, Y. Zhang, L. Tang, D. Song, J. Yang, R. Morandotti. Z. Chen, Nonlinear generation of hollow beams in tunable plasmonic nanosuspensions. APL Photonics, 8(7), 076102 (2023).

12.  L. Song, S. Gao, J. Ma, L. Tang*, D. Song*, Y. Li, Z. Chen*, Multiple flatbands and localized states in photonic super-Kagome lattices, Opt. Lett. 48(22), 5947(2023) [PDF]

13. Z. Dong, Y. Zhao, Y. Wang, W. Wei, L. Ding, L. Tang, Y. Li, Gian optimization of an erbium-ytterbium co-doped amplifier via a Si3N4 Photonic platform, Opt. Express, 31(21), 35419 (2023).




1. Wenchao Yan, Daohong Song*, Shiqi Xia, Junfang Xie, Liqin Tang, Jingjun Xu, Zhigang Chen*, Realization of Second-order Photonic Square-Root Topological Insulators, ACS Photonics, 8(11), 3308-3314(2021)

2. Shiqiang Xia, Carlo Danieli, Yingying Zhang, Xingdong Zhao*, Hai Lu, Liqin Tang*, Denghui Li, Daohong Song, and Zhigang Chen, Higher-order exceptional point and Landau-Zener Bloch oscillations in driven non-Hermitian photonic Lieb lattices, APL Photonics, 6, 126106(2021)

3. Yuqing Xie, Limin Song, Wenchao Yan, Shiqi Xia, Liqin Tang*, Daohong Song*, Jun-Won Rhim, Zhigang Chen*, Fractal-like photonic lattices and localized states arising from singular and nonsingular flatbands, APL Photonics, 6, 116104(2021) [Featured article]

4. X. Liu, F. Lunić, D. Song, Z. Dai, S. Xia, L. Tang, J. Xu, Z. Chen*, H. Buljan*, Wavepacket self-rotation and helical Zitterbewegung in symmetry-broken honeycomb lattices, Laser Photon. Rev. 15,2000563 (2021). [PDF]

5. Shiqi Xia, Daohong Song, Nan Wang, Xiuying Liu, Jina Ma, Liqin Tang, Hrvoje Buljan, and Zhigang Chen, Topological phenomena demonstrated in photorefractive photonic lattices, Optical Materials Express,11(4), 1292 (2021). [Invited review] [PDF]




1. Shiqi Xia, Dario Juki, Nan Wang, Daria Smirnova, Lev Smirnov, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song, Alexander Szameit, Daniel Leykam, Jingjun Xu, Zhigang Chen & Hrvoje Buljan, Nontrivial coupling of light into a defect: the interplay of nonlinearity and topology, Light Sci. Appl. 9, 147 (2020) [PDF]

2. J. Ma#, J.-W. Rhim#, L. Tang*, S. Xia, H. Wang, X. Zheng, S. Xia, D. Song, Y. Hu, Y. Li, B.-J. Yang, D. Leykam, and Z. Chen*, Direct Observation of Flatband Loop States Arising from Nontrivial Real-Space Topology, Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 183901 (2020) [PDF] [Supplemental Materials]  [Nankai News] [微信平台光行天下两江科技评论]

3. L. Tang, D. Song*, S. Xia, S. Xia, J. Ma, W. Yan, Y. Hu, J. Xu, D. Leykam and Z. Chen*, Photonic flat-band lattices and unconventional light localization, Nanophtonics, 9(5), 1161-1176 (2020). [Invited Review] [PDF]

4. 夏世强#, 唐莉勤#, 夏士齐马继娜燕文超宋道红*, 胡毅许京军*, 陈志刚*. 平带光子微结构中的新颖现象:从模式局域到实空间拓扑物理学报, 69(55): 154207 (2020). [Invited Review] [PDF]

5. H. Wang, L. Tang*, J. Ma, H. Hao, X. Zheng, D. Song, Yi Hu, Y Li, and Z. Chen*, Optical Clearing and Shielding with Fan-shaped Vortex Beams, APL Photonics, 5(1), 016102 (2020).[PDF[Featured article][Reported by AIP ScilightFan-shaped optical laser beams blow away impurities]

6. S. Xia, C. Danieli, W. Yan, Z. Li, S. Xia, J. Ma, H. Lu, D. Song*, L. Tang*, S. Flach, and Z. Chen*, Observation of quincunx-shaped flatband states in photonic rhombic lattice without band-touching, APL Photonics, 5(1), 016107 (2020). [PDF]

7. Yan W, Zhong H, Song D, Zhang Y, Xia S, Tang L, Leykam D, Chen Z. Flatband Line States in Photonic Super-Honeycomb Lattices, Advanced Optical Materials, 8, 1902174 (2020).

8. X. Liu, S. Xia, E. Jajtić, D. Song, D. Li, L. Tang, D. Leykam, J. Xu, H. Buljan and Z. Chen, Universal momentum-to-real-space mapping of topological singularities, Nature commun., 11 (1), 1586 (2020). 



1. H. Wang, L. Tang*, J. Ma, X. Zheng, D. Song, Yi Hu, Y Li, and Z. Chen*, Synthetic optical vortex beams from analogous trajectory change of an artificial satellite, Photonics Research, 7(9), 1101 (2019). [PDF]

2. Daohong Song, D. Leykam, Jing Su, Xiuying Liu, Liqin Tang, Sheng Liu, Jianlin Zhao, N. K. Efremidis, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen, Valley vortex states and degeneracy lifting via photonic higher-band excitation, Phys. Rev. Lett.122, 123903 (2019). [PDF]

3. Zhang Zhiming, Wei Wei, Li Zhili, Tang Liqin, Ding Lei, Zheng Xianglong and Li Yigang, All-fiber vortex laser based on a nonlinear amplifying loop mirror and a coupler, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 31(13), 1049-1051(2019).

4. Wei Wei, Zhang Zhi-Ming, Tang Li-Qin, Ding Lei, Fan Wan-De, Li Yi-Gang, Transmission characteristics of vortex beams in a sixfold photonic quasi-crystal fiber, Acta Physica Sinica, (11), pp 179-185, (2019).



1. Shiqi Xia, A. Ramachandran, Shiqiang Xia, Denghui Li, Xiuying Liu, Liqin Tang, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Jingjun Xu, D. Leykam, S. Flach, and Zhigang Chen, Unconventional Flatband Line States in Photonic Lieb Lattices, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 263902 (2018). [PDF]

2. Zhang Zhiming, Wei Wei, Tang Liqin, Yang Jie, Guo Jiewei, Ding Lei, Li Yigang, Generation of all-fiber femtosecond vortex laser based on NPR mode-locking and mechanical LPG, Chin. Opt. Lett., 16(11), 110501 (2018).

3. Yumiao Pei, Yi Hu, Cibo Lou, Daohong Song, Liqin Tang, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen, Observation of spatial optical diametric drive acceleration in photonic lattices, Opt. Lett. 43, 118-121 (2018). [PDF]



1. Yuanyuan Zong, Shiqiang Xia, Liqin Tang*, Daohong Song, Yi Hu, Yumiao Pei, Jing Su, Yigang Li and Zhigang Chen, Observation of localized flat-band states in Kagome photonic lattices, Opt. Express, 24(8), 8877-8885 (2016). [PDF]

2. Shiqiang Xia, Yi Hu, Daohong Song, Yuanyuan Zong, Liqin Tang* and Zhigang Chen, Demonstration of flat-band image transmission in optically induced Lieb photonic lattices, Opt. Lett. 41(7), 1435-1438 (2016).[PDF]



1. Song Daohong, Liu Sheng, Paltoglou Vassilis, Gallardo Daniel, Tang Liqin, Zhao Jianlin, Xu Jingjun, Efremidis Nikolaos, Chen Zhigang, Controlled generation of pseudospin-mediated vortices in photonic graphene. 2D Materials (special issue on artificial graphene), 2, 034007 (2015). [PDF]

2. Daohong Song, Vassilis Paltoglou, Sheng Liu, Yi Zhu, Daniel Gallardo, Liqin Tang, Jingjun Xu, Mark Ablowitz, Nikolaos K. Efremidis and Zhigang Chen, Unveiling pseudospin and angular momentum in photonic graphene, Nature Communications, 6, 6272 (2015).[PDF]

3. Shiqiang Xia, Daohong Song, Yuanyuan Zong, Liqin Tang*, and Zhigang Chen, Observation of self-trapping and rotation of higher-band gap solitons in two-dimensional photonic lattices, Opt. Express 23(4), 4397-4405 (2015) [PDF]



1. Zhuoyi Ye, Shiqiang Xia, Daohong Song, Liqin Tang*, Cibo Lou. Beam control in tri-core photonic lattices. Chin. Phys. B, 23(2): 024211(2014) [PDF]

2. Shiqiang Xia, Daohong Song, Liqin Tang*, Cibo Lou, Yigang Li. Self-trapping and oscillation of quadruple beams in high band gap of 2D photonic lattices. Chin. Opt. Lett., 11(9), 090801(2013)[PDF]



1. Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, Liqin Tang, Zhuoyi Ye, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen, Experiments on Linear and Nonlinear Localization of Optical Vortices in Optically Induced Photonic Lattices,International Journal of Optics, Volume 2012, 273857 (2012). [Invited Review] [PDF]

2. Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, K. Law, Liqin Tang, Zhuoyi Ye, P.G. Kevrekidis, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen, Self-trapping of optical vortices at the surface of an induced semi-infinite photonic lattice, Optics Express, 18, 5873 (2010)

3. Daohong Song, Xiaosheng Wang, Daniel Shuldman, Jiandong Wang, Liqin Tang, Cibo Lou, Jingjun Xu, Jianke Yang, and Zhigang Chen, Observation of bandgap guidance of optical vortices in a tunable negative defect, Opt. Lett. 35, 2106-2108 (2010).

4. Daohong Song, Cibo Lou, Liqin Tang, Xiaosheng Wang,Wei Li, Xingyu Chen, Kody J.H. Law, Hadi Susanto, P. G. Kevrekidis, Jingjun Xu, and Zhigang Chen, Self-trapping of optical vortices in waveguide lattices with a self-defocusing nonlinearity, Opt. Express 16, 10110-10116 (2008).

5. 楼慈波宋道红唐莉勤陈星宇许京军陈志刚光子晶格中新颖的空间带隙孤子物理, 37(4):239 (2008). [Invited Review]

6. H. Susanto, K. Law, P.G. Kevrekidis, Liqin Tang, Cibo Lou, Xiaosheng Wang and Zhigang Chen, Dipole and quadrupole solitons in optically-induced two-dimensional defocusing photonic lattices, Phys. D 237, 3123-3134 (2008).

7. Cibo Lou, Liqin Tang, Daohong Song, Xiaosheng Wang, Jingjun Xu, Zhigang Chen, Novel spatial solitons in light-induced photonic bandgap structures, Front. Phys. China, 3(1): 1-12(2008) [Invited Review]

8. Liqin Tang, Cibo Lou, Xiaosheng Wang, Daohong Song, Xingyu Chen, Jingjun Xu, Zhigang Chen, H. Susanto, K. Law and P. G. Kevrekidis, Observation of dipole-like gap solitons in waveguide lattices induced with a self-defocusing nonlinearity, Opt. Lett., Vol. 32(20), 3011-3013 (2007)

9. Bernd Terhalle, Anton S. Desyatnikov, Christoph Bersch, Denis Traeger, Liqin Tang, Joerg Imbrock, Yuri S. Kivshar and Cornelia Denz, Anisotropic photonic lattices and discrete solitons in photorefractive media, Appl. Phys. B, 86, 399-405(2007)

10. Bernd Terhalle, Denis Traeger, Liqin Tang, Joerg Imbrock, and Cornelia Denz, Structure analysis of two-dimensional nonlinear self-trapped photonic lattices in anisotropic photorefractive media, Phys. Rev. E, 74, 057601 (2006)

11. Cibo Lou, Jingjun Xu, Liqin Tang, Zhigang Chen, P. G. Kevrekidis, Symmetric and antisymmetric soliton statesin two-dimensional photonic lattices, Opt. Lett., Vol. 31(4):492 (2006)

12. Tang Liqin, Zhao Lijuan, Zhang Xinzheng, Yu Hua, Meng Jie, Liang Qin, Xu Jingjun, Kong Yongfa, Luminescent enhancement in Mg- and Er-codoped LiNbO3 crystals, Chin. Phys. Lett., Vol. 22(3):588 (2005)

13. Yu Hua, Zhao Lijuan, Liang Qin, Meng Jie, Yu Xuanyi, Tang Baiquan, Tang Liqin, Xu Jingjun, Red up-conversion luminescence process in oxyfluoride glass ceramicsdoped with Er3+/Yb3+, Chin. Phys. Lett. Vol. 22(6):1500 (2005)

14. 王鲲张心正王振华唐莉勤吴强许京军时间分辨荧光光谱中信噪比与测量精度的提高《激光技术》, Vol. 29(2):126 (2005)

15. 孟婕赵丽娟余华唐莉勤, 梁沁禹宣伊唐柏权苏静许京军微晶结构对氟氧化物玻璃陶瓷发光特性的影响,《物理学报》, Vol. 54(3):14426 (2005)

16. 赵丽娟, 唐莉勤许京军张光寅非线性光学效应与光速减慢《物理学进展》, Vol. 21(4): 385 (2001)





Social Appointments


Guest Editor of Special issues:  ”Flat Bands: Fundamentals and Applications ” for Photonics. 

Referee for grant proposals (NSFC); Referee for dissertation, Ministry of Education 

Referee for:
 ▪ Nature; Nature Commun.; Laser & Photonics Reviews; ACS Photonics; APL Photonics; Optics Letters; Optics  Express; Optics and Laser Technology; EPL-EUROPHYS LETT; Annalen der Physik; Scientific Reports; Advanced Physics Research; Frontiers in Photonics;  Photonics; J. lightwave Tech.;  Journal of Optics; Optics Communications; Alexandria Engineering Journal;  Meccanica; Frontiers of Physics. 


  Member of the Organizing Committee,  Topological Photonics and Beyond (TPB’24), Tianjin, 28-31 Jan., 2024 (international event)  

  Member of the Organizing Committee, TEDA international Mini-Workshop on Topological Photonics and Beyond (TPB’22), Tianjin, 20 Jan., 2022 (international event)  

  Member of the Organizing Committee, the international workshop on Topological Photonics and Beyond (TPB’19), Tianjin, 30 Jun. - 2 Jul. ,2019 (international event) 

   Member of the Organizing Committee, 3rd international workshop on  Frontiers in Photonics, Tianjin, 10 - 12, Jul.  2015 (international event) 

   Member of the Organizing Committee, 2nd international miniworkshop on Nonlinear Optics and Novel Phenomena, Tianjin, 30 Jun. - 1 Jul. , 2010 (international event) 

   Member of the Organizing Committee, 1st international mini-workshop on Discrete Optics, Tianjin, 13 - 14, Jun. 2008 (international event)

Teaching Experience

2008-  Modern Applied Optics  (3rd year of undergraduate studies)

2019-  Experiments in Modern Physics Science  (1th year of graduate studies) 

2017-   Experiment in Basic Physics Science   (1th year of undergraduate studies) 

Honor Title

18 Access