Xuanyi Yu, Assoc. Prof. Dr.


Xuanyi Yu, Ph.D, associate professor of Physics, academic secretary of the Key Laboratory of Weak Light Nonlinear Photonics, Ministry of Education. The research interest is mainly focused on fabrication of photonics structures and control of optical field, and is financial supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.

Research direction:

1. Fabrication of micro/nano-photonics structures and control of optical field

2. Localization of photons in disordered system

Research topic and academic works:

1. Research on photon localization and random lasing in disordered polymer-chiral liquid crystal composites, NSFC,2017-2020 ( main participate).

2. Parametric control in a duel-beam-opposite-pumped opto-mechaniscs based on Whisper gallery mode structure, NSFC, 2016-2019 ( main participate).

3. Optics Letters, 41(3),638-641(2016).

4. Optics Express, 24(4), 3849-3857 (2016).

5. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 120, 24932-24940(2016).

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