
陈璐 副教授

招生专业: 光学,光子学与光子技术,凝聚态物理


邮箱: lchen@nankai.edu.cn

办公地点: 伯苓楼B320


  • 性别:
  • 部门: 物理学院
  • 联系电话:
  • 通讯地址: 天津市南开区卫津路94号
  • 职称: 副教授
  • 电子邮箱: lchen@nankai.edu.cn
  • 办公地址: 伯苓楼B320


2012.08 - 2018.12:美国匹兹堡大学物理与天文系,物理学,博士,导师:Jeremy Levy
2008.09 - 2012.06:南开大学物理科学学院,光信息科学与技术,学士


2023.02 -:南开大学,物理科学学院,副教授
2019.01 - 2023.01:美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST),Post-Doctoral Associate,合作导师:Amit Agrawal, Henri Lezec


陈璐,博士生导师,南开大学“百青”人才。2018年于美国匹兹堡大学物理与天文系获得物理学博士学位,之后在美国国家实验室NIST(美国国家标准与技术研究院)从事博士后研究。2023年加入南开大学,任物理科学学院副教授。长期从事光电场的超精细调控、光与物质相互作用等方面的理论和实验研究,在光场任意时空整形、二维电子气纳米尺度可重构操控、超宽带可调太赫兹源及其对单个纳米颗粒和二维材料的探测和调控等方面取得了若干具有独创性的研究成果。近年来在Science Advances、Light: Science & Application、Advanced Materials、Optica等知名国际期刊发表研究论文25篇,并多次受邀在国际学术会议上做邀请报告。








9.   C. Zhang†*, L. Chen, Z. Lin, J. Song, D. Wang, M. Li, O. Koksal, Z. Wang, G. Spektor, D. Carlson, H. J. Lezec, W. Zhu, S. Papp and A. Agrawal*, “Tantalum pentoxide: a new material platform for high-performance dielectric metasurface optics in the ultraviolet and visible region,” Light: Science & Applications 13, 23 (2024). 

8.   O. Koksal, J. Song, Z. Wang, L. Chen, W. Zhu, and A. Agrawal*, “Antireflective Multi-Dielectric Metasurfaces Operating in the Visible,” Laser & Photonics Reviews 18, 2300656 (2023).   

7.   L. Chen†*, P. Huo, J. Song, Z. Wang, T. Xu, W. Zhu, and A. Agrawal*, “Shaping polarization within an ultrafast laser pulse using dielectric metasurfaces,” Optica 10, 26 (2023).   

6.   L. Chen*, W. Zhu, P. Huo, J. Song, H. J. Lezec, T. Xu, and A. Agrawal*, “Synthesizing ultrafast optical pulses with arbitrary spatiotemporal control,” Science Advances 8, eabq8314 (2022). 

5.   Q. Zhou, M. Liu, W. Zhu, L. Chen, Y. Ren, H. J. Lezec, Y. Lu, A. Agrawal, and T. Xu, “Generation of perfect vortex beams by dielectric geometric metasurface for visible light”, Laser & Photonics Reviews 15, 2100390 (2021). 

4.   E. Sheridan, L. Chen, J. Li, Q. Guo, S. Hao, M. Yu, K. T. Eom, H. Lee, J. W. Lee, C. B. Eom, P. Irvin, and J. Levy*, “Gate-tunable optical nonlinearities and extinction in graphene/LaAlO3/SrTiO3 nanostructures,” Nano Letters 20, 6966 (2020).

3.   Q. Fan, M. Liu, C. Zhang, W. Zhu, Y. Wang, P. Lin, F. Yan, L. Chen, H. J. Lezec, Y. Lu, A. Agrawal, and T. Xu, “Independent amplitude control of arbitrary orthogonal states of polarization via dielectric metasurfaces,” Physical Review Letters 125, 267402 (2020).

2.   L. Chen, E. Sutton, J. Li, H. Lee, J. Lee, C. B. Eom, P. Irvin, and J. Levy*, “Over 100-THz bandwidth selective difference frequency generation at LaAlO3/SrTiO3 nanojunctions,” Light: Science & Applications 8, 24 (2019). 

1.   L. Chen, J. Li, Y. Tang, Y. Y. Pai, Y. Chen, N. Pryds, P. Irvin, and J. Levy*, “Extreme reconfigurable nanoelectronics at the CaZrO3/SrTiO3 interface,” Advanced Materials 30, 1801794 (2018). 


10. 纳米尺度超宽谱太赫兹源及其应用”,光学青年科学家学术年会邀请报告,湖南长沙,20231020-23日。

9.   “Arbitrary spatiotemporal shaping of light field and its applications,” invited talk in the SPIE Photonics Asia, Beijing, October 14-16, 2023.

8.   基于界面二维电子气的纳米尺度超宽谱太赫兹源及其应用”,全国太赫兹生物物理年会邀请报告,四川成都,2023728-30日。

7.   光场超精细时空调控”,中国光学学会学术大会邀请报告,湖北武汉,2023729-31日。

6.   “Arbitrary space-time wave packet synthesis,” the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) Postdeadline, San Jose, California, USA, May 15-20, 2022. 

5.   “Metasurface-enabled temporal shaping of three-dimensional ultrafast pulses,” the Photonics Online Meetup (POM), virtual, January 13-14, 2021.   

4.   “Twisting polarization of ultrafast pulses using metasurfaces,” invited talk in the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), virtual, May 11-15, 2020.

3.   “Dielectric metasurfaces for shaping optical fields: from deep-UV to the terahertz”, invited talk in the SPIE Advanced Lithography Conference, San Jose, California, USA, February 23-27, 2020.

2.   “Femtosecond polarization pulse shaping by dielectric metasurfaces,” invited talk in the Conference on Information Optics and Photonics (CIOP), Xi’an, Shanxi, China, August 8, 2019.

1.   “Broadband THz spectroscopy of materials at 10-nm Scale,” invited talk in the SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, California, USA, January 27-Febrary 1, 2018. 



2023-2024学年 《大学物理II》 

2023-2024学年  参与研究生课程《光子学》和《物理学前沿》、本科生全英文通识课国际视野与个人成长 ( GOPD 》授课


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