
鄢小卿 副教授

招生专业: 光学,光子学与光子技术,凝聚态物理


邮箱: yanxq01@nankai.edu.cn



  • 性别:
  • 部门: 物理学院
  • 联系电话:
  • 通讯地址: 天津市南开区卫津路94号
  • 职称: 副教授
  • 电子邮箱: yanxq01@nankai.edu.cn
  • 办公地址:


2006/9 - 2011/7, 南开大学,泰达应用物理学院,博士;
2007/11 - 2008/10, 英国剑桥大学,卡文迪许实验室表面物理组,联合培养博士研究生;
2002/9 - 2006/7, 南开大学,物理科学学院,本科。


2017.1- 南开大学,副教授
2011.7- 2016.12 南开大学,助理研究员



欢迎对凝聚态物理 和 光学有兴趣的学生加入本组读研究生与本科创新。


1. 非线性光学


2. 超快载流子动力学过程


3. 二维材料的光电响应过程


4. 相变过程中的光学性质与机制




[46]  Tiantian Yun, Changfu Huo, Jinluo Cheng, Zhi-Bo Liu and Xiao-Qing Yan*, Unusual photocarrier and coherent phonon dynamics behaviors of layered PdSe2 unveiled by ultrafast spectroscopy of the edge surface, SCIENCE CHINA-Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy  67(8), 287013 (2024). 

[美国Prof. Hui Zhao对论文纂写了Research Highlight 评述文章:https://www.sciengine.com/SCPMA/doi/10.1007/s11433-024-2532-8]

[45] Xin Zhao, Fang Liu, Xu-Dong Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu, Xiao-Qing Yan*, and Jian-Guo Tian, Photocarrier relaxation and saturable absorption in defect-rich, direct chemical vapor deposition-grown graphene glass, Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics & Materials 33(01), 2340003 (2024).

[44] Chang-Fu Huo, Tiantian Yun, Xiao-Qing Yan*, Zewen Liu, Xin Zhao, Wenxiong Xu, Qiannan Cui, Zhi-Bo Liu*, and Jian-Guo Tian, Thickness-dependent exciton relaxation dynamics of few-layer rhenium diselenide, Chinese Physics B 32(6), 067203 (2023).

[43] Yangjun Cui, Haowei Guo, Xiaoqing Yan, Wenyuan Zhou, Qing Ye, Cuifeng Ying, Zhibo Liu, and Jianguo Tian, Nonlinear and Anisotropic Ion Transport in Black Phosphorus Nanochannels, Nano Letters 23(13), 5886-5893 (2023).

[42] Su-Yun Wang, De-Kang Li, Ming-Jie Zha, Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhibo Liu, and Jianguo Tian, Tunable Optical Activity in Twisted Anisotropic Two-Dimensional Materials, ACS Nano 17(16), 16230-16238 (2023).

[41] Linnan Jia(#), Chang-Fu Huo(#), Xiao-Qing Yan*, Jiayang Wu, Yu-Zhe Zhang, Yunyi Yang, Wenxiong Xu, Qiannan Cui, Daohong Song, Baohua Jia, Zhi-Bo Liu*, Zhigang Chen, and David J. Moss*, Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in 2D NbTe2 Films: Implications for Photonic and Optoelectronic Devices, ACS Applied Nano Materials 5(12), 17348-17355 (2022).

[40] De-Kang Li, Su-Yun Wang, Xiao-Qing Yan, Bao-Wang Su, Zhen Hu, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, Anisotropic Goos–Hänchen shift in few-layer two-dimensional materials, Appl. Phys. Lett. 120(5), 053105 (2022).

[39] Xin Zhao*, Xujiao Yin, Dongqi Liu, Changfu Huo, Guang-Zong Dong, Sijie Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu, Xiao-Qing Yan*, and Jian-Guo Tian, Ultrafast Photocarrier Dynamics and Nonlinear Optical Absorption of a Layered Quaternary AgInP2S6 Crystal, J. Phys. Chem. C 126(15), 6837-6846 (2022).

[38] Xiao-Qing Yan, Xin Zhao, Haijie Xu, Lei Zhang, Dongqi Liu, Yuchen Zhang, Changfu Huo, Fang Liu, Junfang Xie, Xiao Dong, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, Temperature-tunable optical properties and carrier relaxation of CuInP2S6 crystals under ferroelectric-paraelectric phase transition, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 10(2), 696-706 (2022).

[37] Chang-Fu Huo, Rui Wen, Xiao-Qing Yan*, De-Kang Li, Kai-Xuan Huang, Yizhi Zhu, Qiannan Cui, Chunxiang Xu, Zhi-Bo Liu*, and Jian-Guo Tian, Thickness-dependent ultrafast charge-carrier dynamics and coherent acoustic phonon oscillations in mechanically exfoliated PdSe2 flakes, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 23(36), 20666-20674 (2021).

1.[  [36] Su-Yun Wang, Guo-Xing Chen, Qin-Qin Guo, Kai-Xuan Huang, Xi-Lin Zhang, Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, Layer contribution to optical signals of van der Waals heterostructures, Nanoscale Advances 3(11), 3114-3123 (2021).

2.[  [35] Ruo-Xuan Sun, Qin-Qin Guo, Chang-Fu Huo, Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, Critical Strain-Induced Photoresponse in Folded Graphene Superlattices, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13(18), 21573-21581 (2021).

3.[  [34] Ruo-Xuan Sun, Qin-Qin Guo, Hao-Wei Guo, Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, Photoresponse in a Strain-Induced Graphene Wrinkle Superlattice, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11(13), 5059-5067 (2020).

4.[  [33] Dongqi Liu, Xiao-Qing Yan, Hao-Wei Guo, Zhi-Bo Liu, Wen-Yuan Zhou, and Jian-Guo Tian, Substrate effect on the photoluminescence of chemical vapor deposition transferred monolayer WSe2, Journal of Applied Physics 128(4), 043101 (2020).

5.[  [32] Xiao-Kuan Li, Ruo-Xuan Sun, Hao-Wei Guo, Bao-Wang Su, De-Kang Li, Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhi-Bo Liu*, and Jian-Guo Tian, Controllable Doping of Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides by Organic Solvents, Advanced Electronic Materials 6(3), 1901230 (2020).

6.[  [31] Xin Zhao, Fang Liu, Dongqi Liu, Xiao-Qing Yan*, Changfu Huo, Wangwei Hui, Junfang Xie, Qing Ye, Chengcheng Guo, Yang Yao, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian. Thickness-dependent ultrafast nonlinear absorption properties of PtSe2 films with both semiconducting and semimetallic phases. Appl. Phys. Lett. 115(26), 263102 (2019). (Editor's picks)

7.[  [30] Fang Liu, Xin Zhao, Xiao-Qing Yan*, Junfang Xie, Wangwei Hui, Xiufeng Xin, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian*. Ultrafast nonlinear absorption and carrier relaxation in ReS2 and ReSe2 films. J. Appl. Phys. 125(17), 173105 (2019).

8.[  [29] Junfang Xie, Di Zhang, Xiao-Qing Yan*, Mengxin Ren, Xin Zhao, Fang Liu, Ruoxuan Sun, Xiaokuan Li, Zhi Li, Shuqi Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu and Jian-Guo Tian*. Optical properties of chemical vapor deposition-grown PtSe2 characterized by spectroscopic ellipsometry. 2D Mater. 6(3),035011 (2019).

9.[   [28] Xiufeng Xin, Fang Liu, Xiao-Qing Yan*, Wangwei Hui, Xin Zhao*, Xiaoguang Gao, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian*. Two-photon absorption and non-resonant electronic nonlinearities of layered semiconductor TlGaS2. Opt. Express 26(26), 33895-33905 (2018).

10.  [27] Kang Zhang, Ming Feng*, Yangyang Ren, Fang Liu, Xingshuo Chen, Jie Yang, Xiao-Qing Yan*, Feng Song, and Jianguo Tian. Q-switched and mode-locked Er-doped fiber laser using PtSe2 as a saturable absorber. Photon. Res. 6, 893-899 (2018).

11.  [26] Fang Liu, Xin Zhao, Xiao-Qing Yan*, Xiufeng Xin, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian*. Measuring third-order susceptibility tensor elements of monolayer MoS2 using the optical Kerr effect method. Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, 051901 (2018).

12.  [25] Wen-Shuai Jiang, Chao Yang, Guo-Xing Chen, Xiao-Qing Yan, Shao-Nan Chen, Bao-Wang Su, Zhi-Bo Liu*, and Jian-Guo Tian, Preparation of high-quality graphene using triggered microwave reduction under an air atmosphere, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6(7), 1829-1835 (2018).

13.  [24] Xiao-Qing Yan, Fang Liu, Xiang-Tian Kong, Jun Yao, Xin Zhao*, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian, Polarization dependence of graphene transient optical response: interplay between incident direction and anisotropic distribution of nonequilibrium carriers. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 34(1), 218-226 (2017).

14.  [23] Jun Yao, Xin Zhao, Xiao-Qing Yan*, Xiang-Tian Kong, Chengmin Gao, Xu-Dong Chen, Yongsheng Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian. Making transient optical reflection of graphene polarization dependent. Opt. Express 23, 24177-24188 (2015).

15.  [22] Jun Yao, Xin Zhao, Xiao-Qing Yan*, Chengmin Gao, Xu-Dong Chen, Wei Xin, Yongsheng Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian. Polarization dependence of optical pump-induced change of graphene extinction coefficient. Opt. Mater.Express 5, 1550-1559 (2015)

16.  [21] Chengmin Gao, Xin Zhao, Jun Yao, Xiao-Qing Yan*, Xiang-Tian Kong, Yongsheng Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu, and Jian-Guo Tian. Sign of differential reflection and transmission in pump-probe spectroscopy of graphene ondielectric substrate. Photon. Res. 3, A1-A9 (2015)

17.  [20] Xiao-Qing Yan, Jun Yao, Zhi-Bo Liu, Xin Zhao, Xu-Dong Chen, Chengmin Gao, Wei Xin, Yongsheng Chen, and Jian-Guo Tian. Evolution of anisotropic-to-isotropic photoexcited carrier distributionin graphene. Phys Rev B 90, 134308 (2014).

18.  [19] Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhi-Bo Liu, Jun Yao, XinZhao, Xu-Dong Chen,Yongsheng Chen, Jian-Guo Tian. Evolution of photo-excited carrier distribution from anisotropic to isotropic and isotropic photon absorption in graphene. arXiv:1312.6513 (2013).

19.  [18] Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhi-Bo Liu*, Jun Yao, XinZhao, Xu-Dong Chen,Fei Xing, Yongsheng Chen, Jian-Guo Tian*. Experimental observation of polarization-dependent ultrafast carrier dynamics in multi-layer graphene. arXiv: 1301.1743v3 (2013).

20.  [17] Xin Zhao, Xiao-Qing Yan, Qiang Ma, Jun Yao, Xiao-Liang Zhang, Zhi-Bo Liu, Jian-Guo Tian. Nonlinear optical and optical limiting properties of graphene hybrids covalently functionalized by phthalocyanine. Chem. Phys. Lett. 577, 62-67 (2013).

21.  [16] Xiao-Liang Zhang, Zhi-Bo Liu,Xin Zhao, Xiao-Qing Yan, Xiao-ChunLi, and Jian-Guo Tian. Optical limiting effect and ultrafast saturable absorption in asolid PMMA composite containing porphyrin-covalentlyfunctionalized multi-walledcarbon nanotubes. Opt. Express 21, 25277-25284 (2013).

22.  [15] Xu-Dong Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu*, Chao-Yi Zheng, Fei Xing, Xiao-Qing Yan, Yongsheng Chen, and Jian-Guo Tian, High-quality and efficient transfer of large-area graphene films onto different substrates, Carbon 56(0), 271-278 (2013).

23.  [14] Xu-Dong Chen, Zhi-Bo Liu*, Wen-Shuai Jiang, Xiao-Qing Yan, Fei Xing, Peng Wang, Yongsheng Chen, and Jian-Guo Tian*, The selective transfer of patterned graphene, Scientific Reports 33216 (2013).

24.  [13] Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhi-Bo Liu*, Yong-Sheng Chen, and Jian-Guo Tian*. Polarization characteristics of nonlinear refraction and nonlinear scattering in several solvents. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 29(10), 2721-2728 (2012).

25.  [12] ZhiBo Liu, XiaoLiang Zhang, XiaoQing Yan, YongSheng Chen,JianGuoTian*. Nonlinear optical properties of graphene-based materials. Chinese Science Bulletin 57(23), 2971-2982 (2012).

26.  [11] Fei Xing, Zhi-Bo Liu*, Zhi-Chao Deng, Xiang-Tian Kong, Xiao-Qing Yan, Xu-Dong Chen, Qing Ye, Chun-Ping Zhang, Yong-Sheng Chen, and Jian-Guo Tian*, Sensitive Real-Time Monitoring of Refractive Indexes Using a Novel Graphene-Based Optical Sensor, Sci. Rep. 2 (2012).

27.  [10] ZhiBo Liu, XiaoLiang Zhang, XiaoQing Yan, YongSheng Chen, and JianGuo Tian*, Nonlinear optical properties of graphene-based materials, Chin. Sci. Bull. 57(23), 2971-2982 (2012).

28.  [9] Zhi-Bo Liu, Shuo Shi, Xiao-Qing Yan, Wen-Yuan Zhou, and Jian-Guo Tian*. Discriminating thermal effect in nonlinear-ellipse-rotation-modified Z-scan measurements. Opt.Lett. 36(11), 2086-2088 (2011).

29.  [8] Zhi-Bo Liu, Xin Zhao, Xiao-Liang Zhang, Xiao-Qing Yan, Ying-Peng Wu, Yong-Sheng Chen*, and Jian-Guo Tian*, Ultrafast Dynamics and Nonlinear Optical Responses from sp2- and sp3-Hybridized Domains in Graphene Oxide, The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2(16), 1972-1977 (2011).


30.  [7] Xiao-Qing Yan, Xiao-Liang Zhang, ShuoShi, Zhi-Bo Liu*, and Jian-Guo Tian. Third-order nonlinear susceptibility tensor elements of CS2 at femtosecond time scale. Opt. Express 19(6), 5559-5564 (2011).

31.  [6] Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhi-Bo Liu*, Shuo Shi, Wen-Yuan Zhou, Jian-Guo Tian. Analysis on the origin of the ultrafast optical nonlinearity of carbon disulfide around 800 nm. Opt. Express 18(25), 26169-26174 (2010).

32.  [5] Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhi-Bo Liu*, Xiao-Liang Zhang, Wei-Ping Zang, and Jian-Guo Tian. Modified elliptically polarized light Z-scan method for studying third-order nonlinear susceptibility components. Opt. Express 18(10), 10270-10281 (2010).

33.  [4] Xiao-Qing Yan, Zhi-Bo Liu, Xiao-Liang Zhang, Wen-Yuan Zhou, and Jian-Guo Tian*. Polarization dependence of Z-scan measurement: theory and experiment. Opt. Express 17(8), 6397-6406 (2009).

34.  [3] A P Jardine, H Hedgeland, DWard, Y Xiaoqing, W Allison, J Ellis and G Alexandrowicz*. Probing molecule-surface interactions through ultra-fast adsorbate dynamics: propane/Pt(111). New J. Phys. 10, 125026 (2008).

35.  [2] Zhi-Bo Liu, Xiao-Qing Yan, Wen-Yuan Zhou, and Jian-Guo Tian*. Evolutions of polarization and nonlinearities in an isotropic nonlinear medium. Opt. Express 16(11), 8144-8149 (2008).

36.  [1] Zhi-Bo Liu, Xiao-Qing Yan, Jian-Guo Tian*, Wen-Yuan Zhou, and Wei-Ping Zang. Nonlinear ellipse rotation modified Z-scan measurements of third-order nonlinear susceptibility tensor. Opt. Express 15(20), 13351-13359 (2007).



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鄢小卿, 李祖斌, 陈宗强, 闫卫国, 刘艳玲, and 宋峰, 智能手机普及下思考型大学物理课堂教学方法的实践, 物理与工程 32(01), 64-71 (2022).


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