Lecture: Epsilon Near Zero Materials vs. Slow Light and Other Resonance Phenomena: Anything New?


Prof. Jacob B. Khurgin
Dept. of Electronic and Electrical Engineering
Johns Hokpins University

Time & Location: 9:00 Nov. 21

                    Room 104 in the Physics Building(3-104)

Title:  Epsilon Near Zero Materials vs. Slow Light and Other Resonance  Phenomena: Anything New?

Abstract:We examine the characteristics of optical materials with near  zero real part of permittivity (ENZ), and compare them with other materials  relying on resonance where Re(ε)~0 (e.g. plasmonics) or Re(1/ε)~0 (e.g. slow  light, microresonators, e.t.c.). Despite being seemingly very diverse phenomena  all of the resonant effects share a key common characteristics – slow group  velocity. Consequently, whether one operates near a zero or a pole in optical  response, one is bound to gain the same very useful enhancement of some  properties such as nonlinearity, and, regrettably, the commensurate increase of  loss and reduction in bandwidth

Speaker Bio(s):

Jacob B. Khurgin graduated with an M.S. in optics from  the Institute of Fine Mechanics and Optics in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1979.  By 1980, he had emigrated to the U.S., where, to his great surprise, he almost  immediately landed a job with Philips Laboratories in Briarcliff Manor, N.Y. For  eight years, he worked with varying degrees of success on miniature solid-state  lasers, II-VI semiconductor lasers, various display and lighting fixtures, X-ray  imaging, and small appliances such as electric shavers and coffeemakers (for  which he holds three patents). He simultaneously pursued graduate studies at the  Polytechnic Institute of New York, which is now known as the New York University  School of Engineering, from which he received a Ph.D. in electrical engineering  in January 1987. A year later, prompted by a promotion to department manager,  Khurgin's industrial career came to an abrupt end. He joined the electrical and  computer engineering department of Johns Hopkins University, where, despite  ever-present reservations about the place, he has settled down and currently  serves as a professor.
Khurgin's research topics have included an eclectic mixture of the optics  of semiconductor nanostructures, nonlinear optical devices, lasers, optical  communications, microwave photonics and rudimentary condensed matter physics. He  currently works in the areas of mid-infrared lasers and detectors, phonon  engineering for high frequency transistors, disorder in condensed matter  physics, plasmonics, coherent secure optical communications, silicon photonics,  cavity optomechanics, and slow light propagation. He has published six book  chapters, 240 papers in refereed journals and 28 patents and has edited one  book. Khurgin had held the position of visiting professor in an array of  institutions of variable degrees of repute, including Brown University; the  École Normale Supérieure and École Polytechnique in Paris, France; Princeton  University; UCLA; and others. Khurgin is a fellow of the American Physical  Society and the Optical Society (OSA).