Yudong Li, Prof. Dr.


Yudong Li  Professor

Doctoral supervisor. She graduated from School of Physics, Nankai University in 1999 and got her Doctor Degree of Science. She engaged in the postdoctoral research in the research group of Professor Itoh Kazuyoshi, Graduate School of Engineering of Osaka University from 2002 to 2004, and was financially supported by backbone teacher project of Ministry of Education, China. Her research interest includes Raman spectrum, nonlinear optics, etc. In recent years, her research focuses on the microstructural fabrication method and the optical properties of microstructures. So far, she has published over 40 SCI retrieval papers, and presided/participated in many academic projects, such as National Natural Science Foundation of China, major science and technology plan of the Ministry of Science and Technology, 863 Plan Project, etc.


Research field: 1 Femtosecond micromachining; 2 Nonlinear optics.


Selected Publications:

1. Mingsi Zhang, Jun Qian, Yudong Li, et al. “Adjustment of extinction spectra of Au nanocuboidal dimer by modulation of conductive connection”, J of Opt. Vol. 12(18), 125001(2016).

2. Jun Qian, Yiding Sun, Yudong Li, et al. “Nanosphere-in-a-nanoegg: damping the high-order modes induced by symmetry breaking”, Nanoscale Research Lett., Vol 10, 17(2015).

3. Wudeng Wang, Yudong Li, et al. “Polarization-intensitive plasmonic induced transparency in planar metamaterial consisting of a regular triangle and a ring”, J. Opt. 16, 125013 (2014).

4. Jing Chen, Yudong Li, Zongqiang Chen, et al. “Tunable Resonances in the Plasmanic Split-Ring Resonator”, IEEE Photonics Journal, 4800706 (2014).

5. Yudong Li, Xiangyang Gao, Meiling Jiang, et al. “Fabrication of magneto-optical microstructure by femtosecond laser pulses”, Chin. Opt. Lett. 10, 102201 (2012).

6. Lihua Zhao, Yudong Li, Jiwei Qi, et al. “Quasi 3-dimensional optical trapping by two counter-propagating beams in nano-fiber”, Opt. Express 18, 5724 (2010).

7. Kazuhiro Yamada, Wataru Watanabe, Yudong Li, et al. “Multilevel phase-type diffractive lenses in silica glass induced by filamentation of femtosecond laser pulses”, Opt. Lett. 29, 1846 (2004).

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