Zubin Li, Prof. Dr.



Zubin Li, professor, received his PhD degree from School of Physics of Nankai University in 2006 and stayed on as a teacher from then on. His researches mainly focus on nano-optics, especially the special optical properties and applications of nano-structures with the assistance of surface plasmon. He has published more than twenty papers in scientific journals, which have been cited more than 140 times. His researches have been supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China, Tianjin Natural Science Foundation, and other foundations.

Research field: Nano optics

Research interests: Surface plasmon properties on metal nano-structure; Graphene plasmonics; Optical modulation by meta-surface; Micro-nano fabrication by colloidal spheres, etc.


Selected projects and publications


Surface-enhanced optical nonlinearity on ordered and unordered metal sub-wavelength structures, National Natural Science Foundation of China, as leading researcher.

Novel linear and nonlinear artificial microstructures and devices, Chinese National Key Basic Research Special Fund, as collaborator.


1. Zubin Li, Kan Yao, Fengnian Xia, Sheng Shen, Jianguo Tian, and Yongmin Liu, Graphene Plasmonic Metasurfaces to Steer Infrared Light, Sci. Rep. 5, 12423 (2015).

2. Wei-Guo Yan, Ji-Wei Qi, Zu-Bin Li,* Jian-Guo Tian,* Fabrication and optical properties of au-coated polystyrene nanosphere arrays with controlled gaps, Plasmonics, 9(3): 565-571 (2014).

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