Individual Resume:
Xiao-bing Zhang, male, born in Oct. 1970, gained PHD at Peking University in 1998 (major: Nuclear Physics).
Since 2006, he has served as the professor of theoretical physics at School of Physics, Nankai University.
He is engaged in the research work, e.g. the medium/high energy physics and phenomenological theory of strongly interacting matter.
He currently serves as the standing director of Tianjin Nuclear Society.
Phase structure of strongly interacting matter (A brief introduction)
Early in 1970s, the research of ordinary nuclear matter had been expanded to baryon matter, nuclear superfluid matter and the so-called quark matter. In recent years, Quark-Gluon Plasma (the typical quark matter at high temperature) and Color Super-Conductor (quark mattert at high density) have been widely studied, being important for deeply understanding Quantum Chromo-Dynamics (QCD) and phase diagram of strongly interacting matter. This direction is in the crossing field between nuclear physics and particle physics. It is not merely limited on the framework strong interaction (say, QCD and phenomenological models with the spirit of QCD), but also is closely related to condensed matter physics. Also, the possible realization (or application) of Quark matter directly intersects with relativistic heavy ion collision physics and nuclear astrophysics.
Research topic and some of our works:
A. Color Superconducting Phases of Quark Matter in Physical Environment, e.g. including flavor asymmetry, external magnetic field and so on:
* Density dependence of quark masses and stability of color-flavor locked phases, Phys. Rev. D 72 ,054021;
* Color-Flavor-Locked Phase of Dense Quark Matter with nonzero Strangeness Chemical Potential, Phys. Rev. D70,014015;
* Magnetic effects in color-flavor locked superconducting phase with chiral condensates, Chin. Phys. Lett.31,062501.
B. BEC-BCS Crossover and Critical Phenomenon in QCD phase diagram, e.g. Hypothesis of hadron-quark Continuity, QCD Critical Points and so on:
* Anti-kaon/kaon Condensate in Color-Flavor-Locked Matter and its Implication for Quark-Hadron Continuity, Phys. Rev. D68,054015;
* K meson condensation and phase transition from nuclear matter to color-flavor locked matter, Phys. Rev. D70,054010;
* Bose-Einstein condensation in strong-coupling quark colour superconductor near flavor SU(3) limit, Commun. Theor. Phys. 55,1065-1072;
* Condensation Phase Transition in Nonlinear fitness models,EuroPhys. Lett 100, 38003.
C. Various phases and Topological object made up of quark matter, e.g., Super-fluid vortex, Non-Abelian vortices, Domain Wall and Gapless state, refer to:
* Formation of gapless phases of K condensed color-flavor locked superconducting quark matter, Phys. Rev. D, 75, 054028;
* Magnetic effects on color-flavor-locked quark matter and non-Abelian vortices via Ginzburg-Landau approach, Nuclear Physics A,938, 1-13;
* Magnetic-induced condensate, vortices and vortons in color-flavor-locked-type matter, ArXiv: Hep-ph1703.02157, etc.