Name: Jinniu Hu
Title: Associate professor
Direction: Theoretical Physics
Individual Resume: I received my Ph. D. in theoretic physics from Osaka University in 2011. Later, I carried out the postdoctoral and visiting scholar research in Osaka University, RIKEN, Peking University, and Forschungszentrum Juelich. I have been employed by School of Physics, Nankai University since Feb. 2014. So far, I has published over 30 papers in Physics Letters B, Scientific Report, Physical Review C, and other international top journals in the field of Nuclear Physics. I served as a peer reviewer of Int. J. Mod. Phys. E, the Visiting Scientist of Strangeness nuclear physics laboratory in RIKEN, and the member of 131 Innovative Talent Cultivation Program of Tianjin at third level.
Research Interests: Theoretical nuclear phyiscs. Mainly include the ab initio calculations to nuclear structure, the impact of quark structure to nuclear many-body system, the application of lattice QCD theory in nuclear physics, the properties of neutron star and strangeness nuclear physics.
Representative publications:
1.Neutron stars within a relativistic central variational method
Jinniu Hu, Hong Shen, and Hiroshi Toki, Phys. Rev. C 95(2017)025804.
2.The properties of nuclear matter with lattice NN potential in relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory
Jinniu Hu, Hiroshi Toki, and, Hong Shen, Sci. Rep. 6(2016) 35590.
3.Effective Lambda-N potential from relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory
Jinniu Hu, Emiko Hiyama, and Hiroshi Toki, Phys. Rev. C 90(2014)014309.
4.Extended quark mean-field model for neutron stars
Jinniu Hu, Ang Li, Hiroshi Toki, and Wei Zuo, Phys. Rev. C 89(2014)025802.
5.Relativistic Hartree-Fock model with bare nucleon-nucleon interaction for neutron-rich matter
Jinniu Hu, Hiroshi Toki, Wu Wen, and Hong Shen, Phys. Lett. B, 687(2010)271.