Run Jiang, Assoc. Prof. Dr.


Curriculum Vitae

1998, B.Sc., Department of Physics, Lanzhou University, China

2004, M.Sc., School of Physics, Nankai University, China

2007, Ph.D., School of Physics, Nankai University, China

2007-2008,  Postdoc, IFF, FZ Juelich, Germany.

Since 2014, Associate Professor, School of Physics of Nankai University, China. 

Research Interests: 

Theory and simulation of soft matter physics

Selected Publications:

Influence of Grafting Point Distribution on the Surface Structures of Y‑ Shaped Polymer Brushes in Solution. Yuhua Yin,* Run Jiang, Zheng Wang, and Baohui Li. Langmuir 2016, 32, 7467–7475.

Topological Effect on the Structure of Self-Assembled Aggregates from Amphiphilic 

Macromolecules in Solution. Yongbing Song, Run Jiang, Zheng Wang, Lang Wang, Yuhua Yin,* Baohui Li, An-Chang Shi. Macromol. Theory Simul. 2016, 25, 559−570.

Self-assembled morphologies of ABA triblock copolymer brushes in selective solvents. Xihua Xu, Yuhua Yin, Zheng Wang, Run Jiang,* Baohui Li, and An-Chang Shi. J. Chem. P hys. 2013, 138 , 114905.

Effects of compositional polydispersity on gradient copolymer melts. Run Jiang, Zheng Wang, Yuhua Yin, * Baohui Li, and An-Chang Shi. J. Chem. Phys. 2013, 138 , 114905.

Self-Assembled Morphologies of Diblock Copolymer Brushes in Poor Solvents. Macromolecules. Run Jiang, Baohui Li, Zheng Wang, Yuhua Yin* and An-Chang Shi*. 2012, 45, 4920-4931.

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