Yi Hu, Assoc. Prof. Dr.



Yi Hu, the doctoral supervisor in School of Physics, was selected to join in Hundred Young Academic Leaders Program of Nankai University, and Youth 1000 Talents Program of Tianjin  Province. He joined in Nankai University in Aug. 2014 after finishing the postdoctoral research work in INRS, Canada. He currently mainly devotes to the research on manipulation and application of optical fields, and has published over 30 SCI papers in the peer-viewed journals including Physical Review Letters, Science Advances, Optics Letters. As the first author, he wrote the first review on self-accelerating light fields, and his research achievement was reported by over 20 international media. He was ever awarded the Award for Important Optical Achievements in China, the Best Paper Award issued by Optical Society of America, and the Best Poster Award issued by Canada Association of Physics, etc., and gained the Government Scholarship of Quebec, Canada during the postdoctoral study. He is supported by National Natural Science Foundation and Ministry of Education in China. He is the reviewer of academic journals such as Optics Letters, Optics Express, Physical Review A, etc.

Research interest: Manipulation and application of optical fields

Research topic:

1. Novel optical fields

2. Nonlinear dynamics of optical beams

3. Photonics in micro/nano structures

4. Topological photonics


Selected publications:

1. Yi Hu, et al, “Self-accelerating Airy Beams: Generation, Control, and Applications,” in Nonlinear photonics and novel phenomena, Z. Chen, and R. Morandotti eds. (Springer, 2012)

2. Yi Hu, et al, “Improved Intrapulse Raman Scattering Control via Asymmetric Airy Pulses,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 073901 (2015)

3. Yi Hu, et al, Spectrum to distance mapping via nonlinear Airy pulses, Opt. Lett. 38, 380 (2013)

4. Yi Hu, et al, “Multipath multicomponent self-accelerating beams through spectrum-engineered position mapping,” Phys. Rev. A 88, 043809 (2013)

5. Yi Hu, et al, Periodic self-accelerating beams by combined phase and amplitude modulation in the Fourier space, Opt. Lett. 38, 3387 (2013)

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