【学术报告】Hidden Analytic Relations for Two-Loop Higgs Amplitudes in QCD



时      间:2019年4月25日(周四)  下午4:00

地      点:三教301室
报告题目:Hidden Analytic Relations for Two-Loop Higgs Amplitudes in QCD
报  告  人:靳庆军博士(中科院理论物理研究所)
摘       要 :I will discuss a hidden analytic structure for two-loop Higgs plus three-parton amplitudes. We computed the Higgs to two-quark and one-gluon and Higgs plus three-gluon amplitudes in effective theory with general operators. By changing the quadratic Casimir from fundamental representation to adjoint representation, the maximally transcendental part of the Higgs to two-quark and one-gluon amplitudes is reduced to that of Higgs plus three-gluon amplitudes, which also coincides with the counterpart in N=4 SYM. This generalizes the so-called maximal transcendentality principle to Higgs amplitudes in full QCD. 